Why Invisalign?

Did you know we do Invisalign? I, Dr. Roa, have been doing ortho training on my own time for the past 7 years and I started doing Invisalign about 3 years ago and I love it! It’s a great tool that we can use for aesthetic purposes but not only that, it’s a great way for dentists to evaluate your mouth.

Most people want straight, perfect white teeth and with the technology we have access to that’s very possible. Invisalign is a step you can take in that direction.  Not only will it give you those nice straight teeth but it gets your teeth in a nice position so that you can have your teeth for a very long time! Putting your teeth in the right position is important for the longevity of your teeth.

We love Invisalign here at Mint and offer free consults with amazing financing options. Our goal is to make it accessible to anyone who needs it.

Schedule that free consult with us today.


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