Why We Use a Laser

Hearing the word laser in the medical world can sometimes freak us out but this is one of the most amazing tools we have access to! Here’s some of what it can do…

It’s a laser for soft tissue so we use it a lot on gum tissue to see your teeth better or if there is a cavity below the gum line.

We also use it on aesthetic procedures to do some crown lengthening and gum reduction.

It’s also a nice treatment for cold sores on your lips, to make sure the cold sore doesn’t erupt. If it has already, you can come in and see us and the laser can shorten the progression of the cold sore.

We use it a lot on kids with braces who have gums that have overgrown the brackets. 

This tool is helping to make dentistry easier and we are grateful to have it to best care for you and your teeth. So if you hear us talk about using the laser, there’s no need to panic! 


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